Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Wordpress - How to do a plugin/theme conflict test?

Sometimes when you find an issue on your wordpress site with Plugin, it will be caused by a plugin or theme conflict.
This can range from a simple CSS styling issue to a more complex issue where one Plugin/Theme is stopping another plugin/Theme from functioning properly.

do following Steps to a conflict test:
  1. Deactivate all plugins and switch to default Twenty Fifteen theme (this will ensure site is as close to a clean install as possible).
  2. Check the site to see if issue still exists. If issue goes away after deactivating other plugins and switching theme then this means that either the theme or one of the plugins was conflicting with another plugin. If the issue still exists then it is not a plugin or theme conflict.
  3. If it turns out to be a plugin/theme conflict, then you need to activate the plugins/theme one by one until you find the plugin/theme that causes the issue to come back.
  4. Once you have identified the conflict you can report the conflict to the developers of the plugin/theme and also to us.

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