Thursday, March 14, 2019

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server - microsoft sql server error 2

SSMS Error: "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server"

When you are trying to connect to a SQL Server using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, you may see the following message:

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that the SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provided: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40- Could not open a connection to the SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2).

While the message tells you to check some of the items that can cause this issue, it fails to mention that if your SQL Server Service is not started, then you cannot connect. One of the first things that you should check is that the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) is started. You can go to the Services Console (services.msc) and look for SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) to see that it is started. If not, then start the service.

You could also do this through an elevated command prompt by typing net start mssqlserver.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

WooCommerce Order Cancelled After Successful Payment: Unpaid Order Cancelled – Time Limit Reached

After upgrading to WooCommerce 2.0 and Above, you have experienced the issue  that all the purchased order changes to the “canceled” status. 
In the admin area, all the orders appear as “canceled”  with the message “Unpaid order canceled – time limit reached“. When this happens, you need manually change the statuses of all the canceled orders.
The problem arises due to the Hold Stock feature in WooCommerce Inventory management. In this feature, you can set a certain period of time to hold the stock for an unpaid order.
To Resolve the issue, Go to the admin side of your WordPress store, and navigate to
 WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory.
From this page, you can see that the Hold Stock field is set to 60 minutes by default. If you are using WooCommerce stock management, you can disable this feature by leaving the field blank. Simply delete the value in the field and then save the changes.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Sql Server - Create a copy of database and Renaming it

Steps to attach a database with different name:

  1. Detach database from local PC
  2. Copy the mdf and ldf files and rename them.
  3. Copy\Move the files to the server directory where the original Database is stored.
  4. Use the below code
USE [master]
CREATE DATABASE [example_db] ON ( FILENAME = N'D:\Data\example_db.mdf' ),
( FILENAME = N'E:\Logs\example_db_log.ldf' )FOR ATTACH

you can also copy by using the Sql-server Management studio:

  • go to database and tasks->Copy Database
  • Select the source and destination server (same if you wants to make a copy on the same server)
  • change the destination database name to required.
  • Done

Friday, February 15, 2019

Wordpress - How to revert to classic editor / old editor?

How to revert to classic editor / old editor?

if you wants to move back to the old Classic Editor By WordPress Contributors, please install the Plugin

Classic Editor is an official plugin maintained by the WordPress team that restores the previous (“classic”) WordPress editor and the “Edit Post” screen. It makes it possible to use plugins that extend that screen, add old-style meta boxes, or otherwise depend on the previous editor.

This plugin also gives you an option to keep both Gutenberg and the Classic editor at the same time. You can configure this in the plugin’s settings.

Simply go to the Settings » Writing page in your WordPress admin area. You will see the option to do this under “Classic editor settings”.
Classic editor settings

Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.

You will now be able to see a new link under the Posts menu to create new posts using the classic editor.
Switch to classic editor

You will also be able to edit older articles using the classic editor. Simply go to Posts » All Posts page and you’ll see a ‘Edit (Classic)’ link below posts.
Edit classic

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

How to transfer logins and passwords between SQL Server

Transfer logins and passwords to destination server (Server A) using scripts generated on source server (Server B)

To create a script on the source Server, follow these steps:

  1. On server A, start SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the instance of SQL Server from which you moved the database.
  2. Open a new Query Editor window, and then run the following script.
    USE master
    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NOT NULL
      DROP PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal
        @binvalue varbinary(256),
        @hexvalue varchar (514) OUTPUT
    DECLARE @charvalue varchar (514)
    DECLARE @i int
    DECLARE @length int
    DECLARE @hexstring char(16)
    SELECT @charvalue = '0x'
    SELECT @i = 1
    SELECT @length = DATALENGTH (@binvalue)
    SELECT @hexstring = '0123456789ABCDEF'
    WHILE (@i <= @length)
      DECLARE @tempint int
      DECLARE @firstint int
      DECLARE @secondint int
      SELECT @tempint = CONVERT(int, SUBSTRING(@binvalue,@i,1))
      SELECT @firstint = FLOOR(@tempint/16)
      SELECT @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16)
      SELECT @charvalue = @charvalue +
        SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) +
        SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1)
      SELECT @i = @i + 1
    SELECT @hexvalue = @charvalue
    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_help_revlogin') IS NOT NULL
      DROP PROCEDURE sp_help_revlogin
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_help_revlogin @login_name sysname = NULL AS
    DECLARE @name sysname
    DECLARE @type varchar (1)
    DECLARE @hasaccess int
    DECLARE @denylogin int
    DECLARE @is_disabled int
    DECLARE @PWD_varbinary  varbinary (256)
    DECLARE @PWD_string  varchar (514)
    DECLARE @SID_varbinary varbinary (85)
    DECLARE @SID_string varchar (514)
    DECLARE @tmpstr  varchar (1024)
    DECLARE @is_policy_checked varchar (3)
    DECLARE @is_expiration_checked varchar (3)
    DECLARE @defaultdb sysname
    IF (@login_name IS NULL)
      DECLARE login_curs CURSOR FOR
          SELECT p.sid,, p.type, p.is_disabled, p.default_database_name, l.hasaccess, l.denylogin FROM 
    sys.server_principals p LEFT JOIN sys.syslogins l
          ON ( = ) WHERE p.type IN ( 'S', 'G', 'U' ) AND <> 'sa'
      DECLARE login_curs CURSOR FOR
          SELECT p.sid,, p.type, p.is_disabled, p.default_database_name, l.hasaccess, l.denylogin FROM 
    sys.server_principals p LEFT JOIN sys.syslogins l
          ON ( = ) WHERE p.type IN ( 'S', 'G', 'U' ) AND = @login_name
    OPEN login_curs
    FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @type, @is_disabled, @defaultdb, @hasaccess, @denylogin
    IF (@@fetch_status = -1)
      PRINT 'No login(s) found.'
      CLOSE login_curs
      DEALLOCATE login_curs
      RETURN -1
    SET @tmpstr = '/* sp_help_revlogin script '
    PRINT @tmpstr
    SET @tmpstr = '** Generated ' + CONVERT (varchar, GETDATE()) + ' on ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' */'
    PRINT @tmpstr
    PRINT ''
    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)
      IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)
        PRINT ''
        SET @tmpstr = '-- Login: ' + @name
        PRINT @tmpstr
        IF (@type IN ( 'G', 'U'))
        BEGIN -- NT authenticated account/group
          SET @tmpstr = 'CREATE LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME( @name ) + ' FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE = [' + @defaultdb + ']'
        ELSE BEGIN -- SQL Server authentication
            -- obtain password and sid
                SET @PWD_varbinary = CAST( LOGINPROPERTY( @name, 'PasswordHash' ) AS varbinary (256) )
            EXEC sp_hexadecimal @PWD_varbinary, @PWD_string OUT
            EXEC sp_hexadecimal @SID_varbinary,@SID_string OUT
            -- obtain password policy state
            SELECT @is_policy_checked = CASE is_policy_checked WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' ELSE NULL END FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = @name
            SELECT @is_expiration_checked = CASE is_expiration_checked WHEN 1 THEN 'ON' WHEN 0 THEN 'OFF' ELSE NULL END FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = @name
                SET @tmpstr = 'CREATE LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME( @name ) + ' WITH PASSWORD = ' + @PWD_string + ' HASHED, SID = ' + @SID_string + ', DEFAULT_DATABASE = [' + @defaultdb + ']'
            IF ( @is_policy_checked IS NOT NULL )
              SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + ', CHECK_POLICY = ' + @is_policy_checked
            IF ( @is_expiration_checked IS NOT NULL )
              SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + ', CHECK_EXPIRATION = ' + @is_expiration_checked
        IF (@denylogin = 1)
        BEGIN -- login is denied access
          SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; DENY CONNECT SQL TO ' + QUOTENAME( @name )
        ELSE IF (@hasaccess = 0)
        BEGIN -- login exists but does not have access
          SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; REVOKE CONNECT SQL TO ' + QUOTENAME( @name )
        IF (@is_disabled = 1)
        BEGIN -- login is disabled
          SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; ALTER LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME( @name ) + ' DISABLE'
        PRINT @tmpstr
      FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @type, @is_disabled, @defaultdb, @hasaccess, @denylogin
    CLOSE login_curs
    DEALLOCATE login_curs
    RETURN 0
    Note This script creates two stored procedures in the master database. The procedures are named sp_hexadecimal and sp_help_revlogin.
  3. Run the following statement in the same or a new query window:

    EXEC sp_help_revlogin

    The output script that the sp_help_revlogin stored procedure generates is the login script. This login script creates the logins that have the original Security Identifier (SID) and the original password.

Steps on the destination server (Server B):

  • On server B, start SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the instance of SQL Server to which you moved the database.
  • Open a new Query Editor window, and then run the output script that's generated in step 2 of the preceding procedure.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Amazon AWS, Create Access Key and Secret Key

AWS Amazon, Create Access Key and Secret Key

Creating, Disabling, and Deleting Access Keys for Your AWS Account Root User

  1. Use your AWS account email address and password to sign in to the AWS Management Console as the AWS account root user.
  2. Choose your account name in the navigation bar, and then choose My Security Credentials.
  3. If you see a warning about accessing the security credentials for your AWS account, choose Continue to Security Credentials
  4. Expand the Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) section.
  5. Choose Create New Access Key. If this feature is disabled, then you must delete one of the existing access keys before you can create a new key. For more information, see IAM Entity Object Limits in the IAM User Guide.
  6. A warning explains that you have only this one opportunity to view or download the secret access key. It cannot be retrieved later.
    1. Choose Show Access Key to copy the access key ID and secret key from your browser window and paste it somewhere else.
    2. Choose Download Key File to download the rootkey.csv file that contains the access key ID and the secret key. Save the file somewhere safe.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

IIS, Registering the ASP.Net with IIS server

  1. You need to start command prompt by typing cmd at the Run command and then execute the command prompt with Administrator rights by right clicking and choosing Run as administrator from the context menu.
  2. Then on the command prompt you need to navigate to the Directory that has the aspnet_regiis.exe file for that you need to type

      CD C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\
  3. Then you need to type the following command and hit enter to register ASP.Net with IIS

      aspnet_regiis -i

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

IIS, There was an error when trying to connect. Do you want to retype your credentials and try again?

IIS 8 error on windows server 2012 insufficient permission

There was an error when trying to connect. Do you want to retype your credentials and try again?


Filename: \?\C:Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\redirection.config Error: Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions



Steps to short out this issue:

  1. go to C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\machine.config
  2. here you got the redirection tag like the below

    <configurationredirection enabled="true" password="[enc:IISCngProvider:X0ObCWwZ4+PrTHiFVPtzFeCcL8u5P6KUOYfo1/0QrgZWATA5pKWqHvD8nL2crNJKyyqr4z/rBdLPjdRcaLxAMMj4l+lvp5EXXKSXueolvyGa34F4QZfbBVCM6oVNcq3M368TOTVjJv4POVFQWvu0MDVlGgReglXB+Lw5BRI4Htw=:enc]" path="C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\import\" username="Administrator"> </configurationredirection"></li">

    you need to change this to

    <configurationRedirection />

  3. This will resolve the issue.
if you have missed your configuration in IIS then please follow the following steps:
  1. Open the IIS server and open the shared configuration, please check the below screenshots:

  2. please check the "Enable Shared Configuration" and select the path specified in the your configurationredirection (please check with yelow backgound)

    <configurationredirection enabled="true" password="[enc:IISCngProvider:X0ObCWwZ4+PrTHiFVPtzFeCcL8u5P6KUOYfo1/0QrgZWATA5pKWqHvD8nL2crNJKyyqr4z/rBdLPjdRcaLxAMMj4l+lvp5EXXKSXueolvyGa34F4QZfbBVCM6oVNcq3M368TOTVjJv4POVFQWvu0MDVlGgReglXB+Lw5BRI4Htw=:enc]" path="C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\import\" username="Administrator"> </configurationredirection"></li"> 
  3. Then go to the machine.config file and revert the configurationredirection to previous setup that is

    <configurationredirection enabled="true" password="[enc:IISCngProvider:X0ObCWwZ4+PrTHiFVPtzFeCcL8u5P6KUOYfo1/0QrgZWATA5pKWqHvD8nL2crNJKyyqr4z/rBdLPjdRcaLxAMMj4l+lvp5EXXKSXueolvyGa34F4QZfbBVCM6oVNcq3M368TOTVjJv4POVFQWvu0MDVlGgReglXB+Lw5BRI4Htw=:enc]" path="C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\import\" username="Administrator"> </configurationredirection"></li"> 
  4. Then go to Shared configuration and export the configuration 
  5. after this again change the machine.config configurationredirection  tag to

    <configurationRedirection />
  6. Now again import the Configuration from the Shared configuration from the Shared configuration in IIS.
This will also fix the IIS settings.

Tortoise SVN move SVN Repository To Another Server

How to take Backup and Restore of Tortoise SVN on window?

Back SVN
  1. Go to Run with Administrator privilege and then type cmd and open command prompt
  2. Run the following command

    svnadmin dump c:\Repositories\RepositoryName > c:\Repositories\svnbackup.dump

    1. c:\Repositories\RepositoryName is the source path of the repository
    2. c:\Repositories\ is the destination where the dump will create
    3. svnbackup.dump name of dump file

Restore SVN
  1. Go to Run with Administrator privilege and then type cmd and open command prompt
  2. Run the following command

    svnadmin load c:\Repositories < c:\Repositories\svnbackup.dump

    1. c:\Repositories is the destination path of the repository
    2. c:\Repositories\svnbackup.dump name of dump file that will be loaded

Saturday, December 15, 2018

C# - Copy DataTable from one DataSet to another

When we trying to add a DataTable (that is inside of a different DataSet) to new DataSet ds. If I add it directly, we will get the following error:

                   DataTable already belongs to another DataSet.


use DataTable.Copy to create a copy of your data table; then insert the copy into the target DataSet:

dataSetX.Tables.Add( dataTableFromDataSetY.Table[0].Copy() );


You could also use DataSet.Merge for this:

dataSetX.Merge(dataTableFromDataSetY); Note, however, that if you are going to use this method, you might want to make sure that your target DataSet doesn't already contain a table with the same name:

If the target DataSet doesn't contain a table by the same name, a fresh copy of the table is created inside the data set;

If a table by the same name is already in the target data set, then it will get merged with the one passed to Merge, and you end up with a mix of the two.