Showing posts with label Update SSL Certificate on Amazon Elastic Load Balancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update SSL Certificate on Amazon Elastic Load Balancer. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Steps to update SSL Certificate on Amazon Elastic Load Balancer

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at
  2. On the Amazon EC2 Getting Started page, in the EC2 Dashboard pane, under NETWORK & SECURITY, click Load Balancers.
  3. On the Load Balancers page, select your load balancer.
  4. The bottom pane displays the details of your load balancer.
  5. Click the Listeners tab.
  6. Click Change in the SSL Certificate column of the certificate you want to update.
  7. On the Configure SSL Certificate page, select Choose from your existing SSL Certificates to use previously uploaded SSL certificate and select the certificate from the drop-down box.
  8. Or, select Upload a new SSL Certificate if you have a SSL certificate and want to uploaded it.
    Before you upload, ensure that your certificate meets the following citeria:
    • Certificates must follow the X.509 PEM format.
    • The current date must be between the certificate’s start and end date.
    • Public and private certificate files must contain only a single certificate.
    • The private key must match the public key that is in the digital server certificate.
    • The private key must be an RSA private key in PEM format, where the PEM header is BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY and the footer is END RSA PRIVATE KEY.
    • The private key cannot be encrypted with a password.
    • A certificate chain starts with the immediate signing certificate and is then followed by any intermediaries in order. Intermediaries that are not involved in the trust path must not be included. The trusted root certificate can be optionally included as the last certificate.
    If your certificate does not meet the criteria listed in this step, you might get an error when you upload it. Create a new SSL certificate and upload the certificate using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). For instructions on creating and uploading the SSL certificate, go to Creating and Uploading Server Certificates in Using AWS Identity and Access Management.

    Step through the following instructions to continue uploading your SSL certificate.
    • Enter the name of the certificate to upload.
    • Copy and paste the contents of the private key file (PEM-encoded) in the Private Key box.
    • Copy and paste the contents of the public key certificate file (PEM-encoded) in the Public Key Certificate box.
    • [Optional] Copy and paste the contents of the public key certificate chain file (PEM-encoded) in the Certificate Chain box.
    Note The certificate chain must be ordered such that the root certificate is the last certificate in the chain. If you use a certificate chain in a different order, you will receive an error.
  9. Click Save.