Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wordpress, Gravity form - Remove space between currency symbol and amount

Wordpress, Gravity form - Remove space between currency symbol and amount

Remove space between currency symbol and amount

Please use the below WordPress in the theme Function (functions.php) file

add_filter('gform_currencies', 'update_currency');
function update_currency($currencies) {
    $currencies['GBP'] = array(
        'name' => __('Pound', 'gravityforms'),
        'symbol_left' => '£',
        'symbol_right' => '',
        'symbol_padding' => '',
        'thousand_separator' => ',',
        'decimal_separator' => '.',
        'decimals' => 2);
    return $currencies;

Change Currency symbol from left to right

Please use the below WordPress in the theme Function (functions.php) file:

add_filter('gform_currencies', 'update_currency');
function update_currency($currencies) {
    $currencies['GBP'] = array(
        'name' => __('Pound', 'gravityforms'),
        'symbol_left' => '',
        'symbol_right' => '£',
        'symbol_padding' => '',
        'thousand_separator' => ',',
        'decimal_separator' => '.',
        'decimals' => 2);
    return $currencies;

Wordpress Yoast, Change breadcrumb trail from post to page

WordPress Yoast, Change breadcrumb trail from  to page

Please use the below WordPress in the theme Function (functions.php) file

add_filter('wpseo_breadcrumb_links', 'wpse_post_breadcrumbs');
// $links are the current breadcrumbs
function wpse_post_breadcrumbs($links) {
    // Use is_singular($post_type) to identify a single CPT
    // This assumes your CPT is called "post" - change it as needed 
if(is_singular('post')) {
        // The first item in $links ($links[0]) is Home, so skip it
        // The second item in $links is Projects - we want to change that
        $links[1] = array('text' => 'News', 'url' => '/news/', 'allow_html' => 1);
    // Even if we didn't change anything, always return the breadcrumbs
    return $links;

htaccess 301 redirect from one pages to another page

htaccess 301 redirect from one pages to another page

301 Redirect from page1 to page2

please use the below code in the htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
Redirect 301 /page1/ /page2/
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]