Sunday, September 29, 2019

Why is my website URL blocked on Facebook? How can I unblock it?

Why is my website URL blocked on Facebook? How can I unblock it?

My website link was blocked by the facebook and i have review my website at debugging/feedback/reporting tools and got the below message

We can’t review this website because the content doesn’t meet our Community Standards. If you think this is a mistake, please let us know.

And we were 100% certain that we were not violating any “community standards” but still, every effort returned the same message as above.


i have contacted facebook support and facebook support unblock my website, So, please reach the live support  by take these easy steps:

  1. visit Facebook for businesses
  2. click on support on the top right corner
  3. scroll down a bit until you come across “Find answers or contact support” and click on “Get Started”
  4. choose business pages
  5. scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on “Chat with a representative”
  6. and finally, describe your problem by choosing some predefined fields and hit “Start Chat”.
  7. When I finally got to chat with a representative he told me that there was no obvious problem on his end which was quite relieving. He also told me that he would pass on the issue to the “team” to look into this and that he would contact me by phone or email in case they needed anything.

Live support will resolve my problem in 72 hours. thanks to facebook support team.

Hope you find this post useful.

Visual Studio - Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain

Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain


If this error comes with VS follow these steps

Just restart your VS.

  1. Start VS again
  2. Clean the solution (Build> Clean Solution)
  3. Rebuild your project again
  4. If this error comes with IIS

Restart (recycle) the IIS Application Pools in IIS Manager, After restarting check run the solution again!

bootstrap, Modal - How to get Bootstrap Modal's invoke or source element?

How to get Bootstrap Modal invoke or source element?

$('#your-modal').on('', function (e) {
  var $invoker = $(e.relatedTarget);

Various events of modal popup are:

  1. fired just before the modal is open.
  2. fired after the modal is shown.
  3. fired just before the modal is hidden.
  4. fired after the modal is closed.

How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery?

$('#myModal').modal('show') // initializes and invokes show immediately

Bootstrap has a few functions that can be called manually on modals:


You can check more documentation here


Wordpress, Gravity form - GFCommon::encrypt() is deprecated since version 2.3! Use GFCommon::openssl_encrypt() instead.

After updating  the gravity form ,I’m receiving a few error messages:

Notice : GFCommon::encrypt() is deprecated since version 2.3! Use GFCommon::openssl_encrypt() instead. in /home4/sunshine/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4435

Deprecated : Function mcrypt_get_iv_size() is deprecated in /home4/sunshine/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/common.php on line 5399

Deprecated : Function mcrypt_create_iv() is deprecated in /home4/sunshine/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/common.php on line 5402

Deprecated : Function mcrypt_encrypt() is deprecated in /home4/sunshine/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/common.php on line 5402

Solution - 

That indicates the reCAPTCHA field is using the old stoken integration method. To upgrade it to use the newer integration method you need to generate new reCAPTCHA api keys for your site and add them to the Forms > Settings page.

That should take care of it for you.