Saturday, December 2, 2017

create Instagram application, Steps to add Instagram username to sandbox, Steps to accept Instagram invitation And verification of account

Steps to create Instagram Application

  1. Log into the developer portal - Go to the Instagram Developer portal and log in with your Instagram credentials And complete the Developer Signup.
  2. Register your app - On next page that follows step 1, click Register Your Application.
  3. Fill up all the form details and Get your Client ID and Client Secret

We have created the app successfully and integrated. Right now this application is in sandbox account. So if you wants to test this application in sandbox account, you need to add the Instagram username to

Steps to add Instagram username to sandbox:

  1. Login to Instagram app using URL .
  2. Click on “Manage Clients”.
  3. Click on “Manage” of particular app.
  4. Go to “Sandbox” and add your username or developers username.

Steps to accept  Sandbox invitation:

  1. Login to Instagram from the users account and go to 
  2. Add application details like – website -, description – to upload photos
  3. Then you will able to see the invitation , please accept this invitation.

Steps to submit Instagram app for review to upgrade the application from sandbox mode to Live mode:

  1. Login to Instagram app using URL .
  2. Click on “Manage Clients”.
  3. Click on “Manage” of particular app.
  4. Go to permission tab and click on “start a submission” button
  5. Check option “My app allows people to login with Instagram and share their own content.”, you can see the other options after checking the option. Here you need to provide Video Screencast URL:” (Provide a link to a video screencast showing the experience in your app. Please show how your integration uses all permissions you are requesting, any interface to moderate content or getting rights to media, and any Instagram login experience. Since your app may be in sandbox mode, you can use data from sandbox users to showcase the integration.)
  6. And click “submit button” to submit the application for review.

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