Friday, August 2, 2013

Configure VPC with scenario 1 "VPC with a Public Subnet Only"

Set up the VPC, subnet, and Internet gateway:
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at
  2. Click VPC Dashboard in the navigation pane.
  3. Locate the Your Virtual Private Cloud area of the dashboard and clicks get started creating a VPC, if you have no VPC resources, or click Start VPC Wizard.
  4. Select the first option, VPC with a Single Public Subnet Only, and then click Continue.
  5. The confirmation page shows the CIDR ranges and settings that you've chosen. Make any changes that you need, and then click Create VPC to create your VPC, subnet, Internet gateway, and route table.

Create WebServerSG and Adding Rules to the Security Group
The WebServerSG security group is the security group that you'll specify when you launch your web servers into your public subnet. The following table describes the recommended rules for this security group, which allow the web servers to receive Internet traffic, as well as SSH and RDP traffic from your network. The web servers can also initiate traffic to the Internet and read and write requests to the database servers in the private subnet.
Source Protocol Port Range Comments TCP 80 Allow inbound HTTP access to the web servers from anywhere TCP 443 Allow inbound HTTPS access to the web servers from anywhere TCP 3389 Allow inbound RDP access to Windows instances from your network (over the Internet gateway)
Destination Protocol Port Range Comments TCP 80 Allow web servers to initiate outbound HTTP access to the Internet (for example, for software updates) TCP 443 Allow web servers to initiate outbound HTTPS access to the Internet (for example, for software updates)
The ID of your DBServerSG security group TCP 1433 Allow outbound Microsoft SQL Server access to the database servers assigned to DBServerSG
Create the WebServerSG security group and add rules:
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at
  2. Security Groups in the navigation pane.
  3. Click the Create Security Group button.
  4. Specify WebServerSG as the name of the security group, and provide a description. Select the ID of your VPC from the VPC menu, and then click Yes, Create
  5. Select the WebServerSG security group that you just created. The details pane include a tab for information about the security group, plus tabs for working with its inbound rules and outbound rules.
  6. On the Inbound tab, do the following:
    • Select HTTP from the Create a new rule list, make sure that Source is, and then click Add Rule.
    • Select HTTPS from the Create a new rule list, make sure that Source is, and then click Add Rule.
    • Select RDP from the Create a new rule list, make sure that Source is “Office IP Address” , and then click Add Rule
    • Click Apply Rule Changes to apply these inbound rules.
  7. On the Outbound tab, do the following:
    • Locate the default rule that enables all outbound traffic, and then click Delete.
    • Select HTTP from the Create a new rule list, make sure that Destination is, and then click Add Rule.
    • Select HTTPS from the Create a new rule list, make sure that Destination is, and then click Add Rule.
    • Select My SQL from the Create a new rule list, make sure that Destination is “ID of DBServerSG”, and then click Add Rule.
    • Click Apply Rule Changes to apply these outbound rules.

Create DBServerSG and Adding Rules to the Security Group
The DBServerSG security group is the security group that you'll specify when you launch your database servers into your private subnet. The following table describes the recommended rules for this security group, which allow read or write database requests from the web servers. The database servers can also initiate traffic bound for the Internet (your route table sends that traffic to the NAT instance, which then forwards it to the Internet over the Internet gateway).
Source Protocol Port Range Comments
The ID of your WebServerSG security group TCP 1433 Allow web servers assigned to WebServerSG Microsoft SQL Server access to database servers assigned to DBServerSG TCP 3389 Allow inbound RDP access to Windows instances from your network (over the Internet gateway)
Destination Protocol Port Range Comments TCP 80 Allow outbound HTTP access to the Internet (for example, for software updates) TCP 443 Allow outbound HTTPS access to the Internet (for example, for software updates)

To add the recommended rules to the DBServerSG security group
  1. Select the DBServerSG security group that you created. The details pane displays the details for the security group, plus tabs for working with its inbound and outbound rules.
  2. Add rules for inbound traffic using the Inbound tab as follows:
    1. Select MYSQL from the Create a new rule list. In the Source box, specify the ID of your WebServerSG security group, and then click Add Rule.
    2. Select RDP from the Create a new rule list. In the Source box, specify IP Address of office security group, and then click Add Rule.
    3. Click Apply Rule Changes.
  3. Add rules for outbound traffic using the Outbound tab as follows:
    1. Select HTTP from the Create a new rule list. Make sure that Destination is, and then click Add Rule.
    2. Select HTTPS from the Create a new rule list. Make sure that Destination is, and then click Add Rule.
    3. Click Apply Rule Changes.

To launch First Web instance
  1. Start the Classic wizard:
    1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at
    2. Click the Launch Instance button from the dashboard.
    3. On the Create a New Instance page, select Classic Wizard, and then click Continue.
  2. On the CHOOSE AN AMI page, the Quick Start tab displays a list of basic configurations called Amazon Machine Images (AMI). Choose the AMI that you want to use and click its Select button.
  3. On the INSTANCE DETAILS page, under Launch Instances, select the subnet to launch the instance into. Keep the other default settings on this page and click Continue.
  4. To use the default settings on the next INSTANCE DETAILS pages, just click Continue on each page.
  5. Select EBS Volume
  6. On the CREATE A KEY PAIR page, you can choose from any existing key pairs that you've created, or follow the wizard directions to create a new key pair.
  7. On the Configure Firewall page, select the security group you want to use for the instance (WebServerSG), and then click Continue.
  8. Review your settings. When you're satisfied with your selections, click Launch.
    Before you can access an instance in your public subnet, you must assign it an Elastic IP address.
To allocate Elastic IP address and assign it to an instance
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at
  2. Click Elastic IPs in the navigation pane.
  3. Click the Allocate New Address button.
  4. In the Allocate New Address dialog box, in the EIP used in list, select VPC, and then click Yes, Allocate.
  5. Select the Elastic IP address from the list, and then click the Associate Address button.
  6. In the Associate Address dialog box, select the network interface or instance. Select the address to associate the Elastic IP address with from the corresponding Private IP Address list, and then click Yes, Associate.
To create password for this instance
  1. Go to instance in EC2 and Right Click on instance.
  2. Click on “Get Windows Password” , select your Private key pair file and generate password by clicking on “Decrepit Password”
To create password for this instance To launch First Web instance
We have to launch a seperate Instance for Database with the security group "DBServerSG" (specified above) on the same public subnet mask.
Now you can connect to database server from Web server by using Private IP of Database Instance.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Remove Duplicate Data from Sql-server 2005

First Declare a temp table
DECLARE @table Table(column1 INT, Column2 INT, total int)

insert duplicate data to temp table
insert INTO @table SELECT column1, Column2,count(*) FROM Catalogue.MailingListCategoryContacts GROUP BY column1, Column2 HAVING count(*) > 1

Delete from all the data from original table
DELETE FROM Catalogue.MailingListCategoryContacts WHERE column1 IN (SELECT column1 FROM @table)

again insert into the original table
INSERT INTO Catalogue.MailingListCategoryContacts(column1, Column2) SELECT column1, Column2 FROM @table

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting subject added to the mailto command

<a href="">Second Example</a>
Example : click here to view the demo

Saturday, April 14, 2012


DATEADD(type, value, date)
  • date is the date you want to manipulate
  • value is the integere value you want to add (or subtract if you provide a negative number)
  • type is one of:
    • yy, yyyy: year
    • qq, q: quarter
    • mm, m: month
    • dy, y: day of year
    • dd, d: day
    • wk, ww: week
    • dw, w: weekday
    • hh: hour
    • mi, n: minute
    • ss or s: second
    • ms: millisecond
    • mcs: microsecond
    • ns: nanosecond
SELECT DATEADD(dd, 1, GETDATE()) will return a current date + 1 day

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?

Abstraction lets you focus on what the object does instead of how it does it

That means we use the object without knowing the source code of the class.

Encapsulation means hiding the internal details or mechanics of how an object does something.

Encapsulation is wraping data into single unit.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What is the difference between classes and structs in Microsoft.Net?

  • A struct is a value type, while a class is a reference type.
  • When we instantiate a class, memory will be allocated on the heap. When struct gets initiated, it gets memory on the stack.
  • Classes can have explicit parameter less constructors. But structs cannot have this.
  • Classes support inheritance. But there is no inheritance for structs. A struct cannot inherit from another struct or class, and it cannot be the base of a class. Like classes, structures can implement interfaces.
  • We can assign null variable to class. But we cannot assign null to a struct variable, since structs are value type.
  • We can declare a destructor in class but can not in struct.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sql-Server, find Duplicate Rows with Count

select Count(ID), Name, Email,Comment
FROM TableName     
group by Name, Email,Comment
having Count(ID)>1

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How to use cufon.replace inside UpdatePanel?

Place below code inside Update Panel 
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
  function EndRequestHandler(sender, args)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

how can I jump to the top of page using UpdatePanel?

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
  function EndRequestHandler(sender, args)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Difference between JOIN and INNER JOIN

SELECT * FROM table JOIN otherTable ON table.ID = otherTable.FK


SELECT * FROM table INNER JOIN otherTable ON table.ID = otherTable.FK

They function the same. INNER JOIN can be a bit more clear to read, especially if your query has other join types (e.g. LEFT or RIGHT) included in it.

Similarly with OUTER JOINs the word "OUTER" is optional, its the LEFT or RIGHT keyword that makes the JOIN an "OUTER" JOIN.

However for some reason I always use "OUTER" as in LEFT OUTER JOIN and never LEFT JOIN, but I never use INNER JOIN but rather I just use "JOIN"